Name		:		CR Sarma
Address		:		Flat 103-104 , Annapoorna Residency ,
				12-2-826/A36 ,LIC Colony,
				Mehadipatnam, Hyderabad , 500028, INDIA
Phone		:		 +91 040 2351 2455 , +91 040 2352 4669
eMAIL  		:		rschivukula@Yahoo.Com
Website         :
Passport Number :		A 5552329  
Awards		:		Best Invention Award (SEE)
				Best Import Substition Award(SEE)
Publications	:		1. Books for Electronics & Computer Subjects
					Microprocessors & Microcontrollers -3rd ed.  5th reprint
					(foreword by VC JNTU) 
					Computer Organisation   (under publication) 
					Risc & Cisc Processors  (manuscript ready)
					Practical Micro Processors & Controllers interfacing 					(manuscript final)
				2. Five national and 1 International Papers	
		MIEEE				1979-1985
		Fellow IETE			1992
		LMember ISI			1993
		Member R&DSI			1995
		Member IE			2002
		Member ISTE			2002
		Member ISA (Chairman    2003
1.  Organisation:	Sri Siddheswari Electronic Equipments (SEE)		1975 -1996 
    Designation	:	Chief (Research  & Development)
    			Managing R&D Engineers in R & D
			Interface new technologies to the company
                 	Produce Novel Products using Microprocessors & 	Microcontrollers 
2.  Organisation:	Deccan College of Engineering & Technology (DCET)     	1994 -1997
    Designation	:	Sr. Lecturer (Computer Science & Engineering) 
			Teaching  CSE & MCA branches
			Departmental activities & UG Projects for students 
3.  Organisation:	Vasavi College of Engineering  (VCE)         		1997 - 1999
    Designation	:	Visiting Faculty (ECE dept)
			Teaching ECE/CSE & MCA branches
			AICTE projects , UG Projects for students 
4.  Organisation:	Rendezvous On Chip.  (ROC)				1999 - 2000
    Designation:	Chief Training Officer (System Software School)
    			Conducting training programs in Embedded systems 
			Organising Engineer selections for employment & Training
5.  Organisation:	Anwarul Uloom College of Engg. & Tech. (AUCET)		2000 - 2000
    Designation	:	Assoc. Prof. & Head of Electronics & Inst. Engg
			Coordinating,Supervising departmental Activities
			Teaching EIE,ECE,EEE,CSE branches
			Supervising & Advising UG Projects for students 
6.  Organisation:	G Narayanamma Institute 0f Tech & Science (GNITS)      	2000 -   
    Designation	:	Associate Prof , Electronics & Comm.  Engg.
			Coordinating,Supervising  assigned departmental Activities 
			Teaching ECE,CSE,CSIT branches,
			Supervising,Advising & associating UG Projects/Publications for students 
Degree			Institution/University             		year
DMIT			Madras Institute of Technology,Madras 		1973
BSc			Cotton Colleg , Guahati Guahati University 	1970
Pre-University		Jamshedpur Cooperative college,Jamshedpur
			Ranchi University				1967
SLC			Ravi Tutorial College , Guntur AU.		1966
			WORKSHOPS and TRAINING Programmes
MICON 2003
Microcontrollers & Industrial Applications             GNITS		2002
Embedded SYstems Primer                                -----            2002
Microprocessor System Design                           SEE              1992 -1994  
			WORKSHOPS and TRAINING Programmes
Enterpreneur Dev. Prog.		SISI   & ELIAP				1974
VLSI design using VHDL.		Osmania University, ECE dept.		1999			
Curriculum Dev. Workshop 	JNTU & INTEL Corp.                      2002